Tuesday, October 01, 2019

May, June, July, August, and September Wrap-Up and October TBR

During May through September, I read a total of 

Across the months, I read some short stories and novellas, listened to some audiobooks, and read some other books. 

For my shorter novellas that I read, there were eight of them. One of which was my first story by Stephen King. Out of all of the short stories, my favorite was Murders of Molly Southbourne.

34417038. sy475 39685859. sy475 1612243543199533. sy475 10269252. sy475 13220420. sy475 8044557The Tale of Mrs Westaway

I read one graphic novel, which was part of Wicked & Divine.

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I also read four nonfiction novels. One was a science, another was poetry, one was true crime, and the final was a graphic novel.

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And then I read a total of five full-length novels, which caught me up with my Lady Darby and Ruth Ware novels (mostly). I still have one final Ruth Ware novel to read at this point I believe. The sad part about this is that I no longer have any more Lady Darby novels until April of next year (and then according to Anna Lee Huber's website, there will be three more - which is exciting and saddening because I want more but I have to wait for so long).

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In the month of October, I am doing two readathons so I have some books planned for both of those which I would read probably anyway because they are mostly thrillers/mysteries/horror novels, with one or two exceptions.

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