Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Hocus Pocus Read-a-Thon (October 1st - 13th) TBR

This is the first year that I have heard about the Hocus Pocus Read-a-thon. Basically, there are three teams with different reading challenges they must complete between the 1st of October to the 13th of October. You can read more in the original post on twitter here. You can find this post on my YA Blog here.

I am on the Team Sanderson Sisters. And my challenges are below:

Read a Book with a Witchy Main Character

For this challenge, I have picked the Bone Witch because Tea is a Bone Witch, and I have been dying to read this book for awhile now. I am listening to the audiobook version to fill in at times when I can't physically read.


Read a Book with a Female Protagonist

For this challenge, I picked Lonely Dead because it's a mystery with a paranormal twist, perfect for this challenge. It is my shortest book that I picked up for this challenge, being only 240 pages, so hopefully, I can read it in a day.


Read a Book that is Spellbindingly Atmospheric

For this challenge, I am reading Witchtown. I happened to stumble across this book randomly, and I decided to pick it up since it's a town full of witches... I mean what could be more of a spellbinding atmosphere.

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Read a Book that Frightens You

So this challenge was kind of hard to pick a book for because I don't really get scared when reading. So I took it a different route, and decided for this challenge, I am going to read a nonfiction book with events that are scary. I am planning on reading Most Dangerous Animal of All, but I'm basically looking to read a True Crime novel for this challenge if I don't get to that book.


Read a Book with a Powerful Villain

For this challenge, I currently have Vicious picked out because I heard that the main character is a villain if I remember correctly. This one is the one that is most likely to change if I do change any book that I read for this challenge.

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Read the Group Book

For this challenge, there are two group books: Hocus Pocus and the All-New Sequel and Serpent & Dove. I want to read Serpent & Dove for this challenge, but I don't currently have it, so if it comes down to it, I will be reading Hocus Pocus.

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Watch Hocus Pocus

Spookathon (October 14th-20th) TBR

Last year, I had planned to participate, and I can't recall if I did or not, but this year, I am definitely planning to get around to it. Here is the link to the Spookathon. You can find this post on my YA Blog here.

The prompts for this readathon and my planned TBR is as follows:

Read a Thriller

I have a lot of options for this prompt, but the one I picked up is Mother-In-Law. I plan to listen to the audiobook version.


Read a Book with a Spooky Setting

The book I have chosen for this prompt is In a Cottage In a Wood, because that would be a spooky location. If for whatever reason while reading, this book ends up not fitting the setting, I have a few other books that could fit.


Read a Book with a Spooky Word in the Title

The Spooky word I chose for this prompt is Ghost, so my book is Gap Year in Ghost Town. I randomly stumbled upon this book at the library, so I hope that I end up liking it.

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Read a Book with Red on the Cover

Another prompt that I have many options for, but what I ended up going with is Doll House.

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Read a Book that I Normally Wouldn't Read

I don't have a book picked out for this challenge.

May, June, July, August, and September Wrap-Up and October TBR

During May through September, I read a total of 

Across the months, I read some short stories and novellas, listened to some audiobooks, and read some other books. 

For my shorter novellas that I read, there were eight of them. One of which was my first story by Stephen King. Out of all of the short stories, my favorite was Murders of Molly Southbourne.

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I read one graphic novel, which was part of Wicked & Divine.

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I also read four nonfiction novels. One was a science, another was poetry, one was true crime, and the final was a graphic novel.

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And then I read a total of five full-length novels, which caught me up with my Lady Darby and Ruth Ware novels (mostly). I still have one final Ruth Ware novel to read at this point I believe. The sad part about this is that I no longer have any more Lady Darby novels until April of next year (and then according to Anna Lee Huber's website, there will be three more - which is exciting and saddening because I want more but I have to wait for so long).

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In the month of October, I am doing two readathons so I have some books planned for both of those which I would read probably anyway because they are mostly thrillers/mysteries/horror novels, with one or two exceptions.

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